Use "antonym|antonyms" in a sentence

1. Antozonite antra antre antres antropogeography antrorse antonyms Antonymously antonymous antonym of antonymic antonym

2. Antozonite antra antre antres antropogeography antrorse antonyms Antonymously antonymous antonym of antonymic antonym

3. 50 examples of Antonyms An Antonym is a word opposite in meaning

4. 50 examples of Antonyms An antonym is a word opposite in meaning

5. For this ELL Antonym worksheet, students review the definition for an Antonym and the Antonyms greater/lesser, high/low, increase/decrease, and actual/estimated

6. Antonym Finder: find it: Antonym

7. For example, 'good' is an antonym of 'bad.' It is possible for a word to have more than one antonym as Antonyms can be graded

8. An Antonym is the Antonym of synonym

9. Antonym: vascular··(medicine) Avascular Antonym: vascular

10. Antonym - a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are Antonyms of each other; "to him the Antonym

11. What are Antonyms ?<br /> An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word

12. Antonym, Antonym of [sth], Antonym for [sth] n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc

13. Antonym - a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are Antonyms of each other; "to him the antonym of `gay' was `depressed'"

14. Antonym - a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are Antonyms of each other; "to him the Antonym of `gay' was `depressed'"

15. Antonym: deCriminalisation (legislation that …

16. Opposite Of Condone, Antonyms of Condone, Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings

17. Antonym definition: The Antonym of a word is a word which means the opposite

18. 1 antonym for Constricted: unConstricted

19. 1 antonym for Consciously: unConsciously

20. 1 antonym for Conventionally: unConventionally

21. 1 antonym for Cursorial: fossorial

22. 1 antonym for Consonantal: vocalic

23. 1 antonym for Competitively: nonCompetitively

24. 1 antonym for Aplacental: placental

25. 1 antonym for Aphelion: perihelion

26. Good'is the antonym of'bad '.

27. 1 antonym for Concentricity: eccentricity

28. 1 antonym for Calcify: deCalcify

29. 1 antonym for Coherently: inCoherently

30. 1 antonym for Contralateral: ipsilateral

31. 1 antonym for Comprehensively: nonComprehensively

32. 1 antonym for Bordered: unBordered

33. 1 antonym for Anglophobia: Anglophilia

34. 1 antonym for Allopathic: homeopathic

35. 1 antonym for Civilly: unCivilly

36. 1 antonym for Constitutionally: unConstitutionally

37. 1 antonym for Balconied: unBalconied

38. 1 antonym for Beneficed: unBeneficed

39. 1 antonym for Breasted: breastless

40. 1 antonym for basiscopic: Acroscopic

41. 1 antonym for Autogamy: allogamy

42. 1 antonym for Airworthy: unAirworthy

43. 1 antonym for Attachable: detachable

44. 1 antonym for Allopatric: sympatric

45. 1 antonym for Avirulent: virulent

46. 1 antonym for Appendaged: unAppendaged

47. 1 antonym for Analyzed: unAnalyzed

48. 1 antonym for Anterograde: retrograde

49. 1 antonym for Amended: unAmended

50. 1 antonym for Adroitly: malAdroitly

51. 1 antonym for Admissibility: inAdmissibility

52. 1 antonym for Actively: passively

53. An antonym for Cephalic is caudal

54. An antonym for Canalises is diffuses

55. Biconcave is an antonym of biconvex

56. Antonymity is an antonym of synonymity

57. Analogous is an antonym of Antilogous

58. Aliquant is an antonym of Aliquot

59. Synonyms for Antonym in Free Thesaurus

60. Antepartum is an antonym of postpartum

61. Adaxial is an antonym of abaxial

62. Accelerando is an antonym of ritardando

63. Adductor is an antonym of Abductor

64. The antonym of Antecedent is descendant.

65. An antonym for Anuria is hyperuria

66. Guessing word from Synonym and Antonym.

67. 23 synonyms and near synonyms of Curlicued from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 1 antonym or near antonym

68. 1 antonym for Convincingly: unConvincingly

69. 1 antonym for Critically: unCritically

70. 1 antonym for Characteristically: unCharacteristically

71. 1 antonym for Bloodily: bloodlessly

72. 1 antonym for Allogamy: autogamy

73. 1 antonym for Allochthonous: autochthonous

74. 1 antonym for Apocarpous: syncarpous

75. 1 antonym for Abstractly: concretely

76. 1 antonym for Apocrine: eccrine

77. 1 antonym for Avenged: unAvenged

78. 1 antonym for Assertively: unAssertively

79. 1 antonym for Assigned: unAssigned

80. Antonym: unCivilly (in an uncivil manner)